A- Z of American Adult Book Award List- winners - shortlists - books
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Agatha Awards- Mystery genreThe Agatha Awards are administered by Malice Domestic® . The organisation holds an annual "fun fan" convention in metropolitan Washington, D.C., saluting the traditional mystery--books best typified by the works of Agatha Christie.
The genre is generally characterised by mysteries that contain no explicit sex, excessive gore, or gratuitous violence; usually featuring an amateur detective, they have a confined setting and characters who know one another. Novels and stories featuring police officers and private detectives may qualify for the Agatha, but materials generally classified as “hard boiled” are not appropriate. They are awarded in five mystery book categories:
Best Novel; Best First Mystery; Best Short Story; Best Non-Fiction; Best Children's/Young Adults More Details of past and present winners and shortlists
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Anisfield-Wolf- Understanding racism and human diversityThe Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards are an American literary award dedicated to honoring written works that make important contributions to our understanding of racism and our appreciation of the rich diversity of human culture. Established in 1935 by Cleveland poet and philanthropist Edith Anisfield Wolf and originally administered by the Saturday Review, the awards have been administered by the Cleveland Foundation since 1963.
Three or four awards, and sometimes a lifetime achievement award, are given out each year. Notable past winners include Zora Neale Hurston (1943), Langston Hughes (1954), Martin Luther King, Jr. (1959), Maxine Hong Kingston (1978), Wole Soyinka (1983), Nadine Gordimer (1988), Toni Morrison (1988), Ralph Ellison (1992), Edward Said (2000), and Derek Walcott (2004)
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a | b | c | d | e | fg | hijk | lm | n | opq | r | s | tuv |wxyz |top | home | Ambassador Book Award- Understanding American life and cultureThe Ambassador Book Award is awarded annually by the English Speaking Union. It recognizes important literary works that contribute to the understanding and interpretation of American life and culture. Winners of the award are considered literary ambassadors who provide, in the best contemporary English, an important window on America to the rest of the world. A panel of judges, currently chaired by author Maureen Howard,[1] selects books out of new works in the fields of fiction, biography, autobiography, current affairs, American studies and poetry.
The award was established in 1986. Since then, winners have included books by such notable authors as Tom Wolfe (1988), Joan Didion (1988), Raymond Carver (1989), Gore Vidal (1989), John Cheever (1992), John Updike (1997)[2], Don Delillo (1998), Philip Roth (1999)[3], and Annie Proulx (2000).More Details of past and present winners and shortlists
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The American Book Awards / Before Columbus Foundation Book Awards
The American Book Awards, established in 1978 by the Before Columbus Foundation, recognize outstanding literary achievement by contemporary American authors, without restriction to race, sex, ethnic background, or genre. The purpose of the awards is to acknowledge the excellence and multicultural diversity of American writing. The American Book Aw ards were created to provide recognition for outstanding literary achievement from the entire spectrum of America's diverse literary community. The purpose of the awards is to recognize literary excellence without limitations or restrictions. There are no categories, no nominees, and therefore no losers. The award winners range from well-known and established writers to under-recognized authors and first works. More Details of past and present winners and shortlists
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Anthony Awards- MysteryThe Anthony Awards are literary awards for mystery writers presented at the Bouchercon World Mystery Convention since 1986. The awards are named for Anthony Boucher (1911-1968), one of the founders of the Mystery Writers of America.
The Anthony Awards are among the most prestigious awards in the world of mystery writers and have helped boost the careers of numerous recipients.
According to Bouchercon rules, the awards are given in the following categories:
* Best Novel
* Best First Novel
* Best Paperback Original
* Best Short Story
* Best Critical Nonfiction Work
* Special Service Award
* Up to three wild card awards More Details of past and present winners and shortlist
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Bancroft Prizes – American History and DiplomacyThe Bancroft Prizes are awarded annually by Columbia University in the City of New York. Under the terms of the will of the late Fredric Bancroft, provision is made for two annual prizes of equal rank to be awarded to the authors of distinguished works in either or both of the following categories: American History (including biography) and Diplomacy.
The awards in 2009 are for books published in 2008. The competition is open to all persons whether connected with Columbia University or not and whether citizens of the United States or any other country. Announcement of the awards will be made in the spring of 2009 More Details of past and present winners and shortlists
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Barry Award- Crime/mysterySince 1997 the Barry Award, named for fan reviewer Barry Gardner, is bestowed annually at Bouchercon by fan-oriented Deadly Pleasures Mystery Magazine (DP). The winner receives a plaque.
Eligible books must be published in English. The British Crime Novel category requires the book to be published in Britain, and the other categories have no other restrictions. Nominations are made by DP editor/publisher George Easter with input from a panel of DP reviewers, mystery booksellers, and fans. The panel vote determines the shortlist, and the winner is chosen by DP readers. Subscribe to Deadly Pleasures Magazines More Details of past and present winners and shortlists
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Best Translated Book AwardThis is a new award and is an initiative of Three Percent the web blog arm of Open Letter which is book translating press division of the University of Rochester- think we got that right! Three Percent launched in the summer of 2007 with the lofty goal of becoming a destination for readers, editors, and translators interested in finding out about modern and contemporary international literature. Open Letter plan to publish twelve translated works each year. Excellent.
The Three Percent comes from the fact that only that percentage ( or lower) of books that are published in the USA are translated from another language into English- a great shame given the marvellous amount of literature available. More Details of past and present winners and shortlists
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Bramstoker - HorrorThe Bram Stoker Awards are an initiative of the Horror Writer's Association (HWA), named in honor of Bram Stoker, author of the seminal horror work, Dracula. The Stoker Awards began in 1987. The Stoker Awards are non-juried awards. Any Horror work first published in the English language may be considered for a Stoker during the year of its publication. The HWA membership at large recommends worthy works for consideration.
Prior to 2005 awards were given in twelve categories but since then in eight: Novel, First Novel, Short Fiction, Long Fiction, Fiction Collection, Poetry Collection, Anthology, and Nonfiction. In addition, Lifetime Achievement Stokers are occasionally presented to individuals whose entire body of work has substantially influenced Horror. More Details of past and present winners and shortlists
a | b | c | d | e | fg | hijk | lm | n | opq | r | s | tuv |wxyz | top home |California Book Awards
Since 1931, the California Book Awards have honored the exceptional literary merit of California writers and publishers. This makes it one of the oldest awards that we cover on the whole literary award network! Bear in mind as many people live in California as in Australia.
Each year a select jury considers hundreds of books in search of the very best in literary achievement. Eligible books must be written while the author is a resident of California, and they must be published during the year under consideration. Awards are presented in the categories of Fiction, Nonfiction, First Work of Fiction, Poetry, Californiana, Notable Contribution to Publishing, Juvenile Literature and Young Adult Literature. The award ceremony takes place in June More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Christy Award
Every year publishers are invited to submit novels written from a Christian worldview and copyrighted in the year preceding the awards. Each novel is entered in one of several genre categories and/or the first novel category. Each category of novels is then read and evaluated against a ten-point criteria by a panel of seven judges composed of librarians, reviewers, academicians, literary critics, and other qualified readers, none of whom have a direct affiliation with a publishing company. The award is designed to- Nurture and encourage creativity and quality in the writing and publishing of fiction written from a Christian worldview.
- Bring a new awareness of the breadth and depth of fiction choices available, helping to broaden the readership.
- Provide opportunity to recognize novelists whose work may not have reached bestseller status More details past winners and shortlists
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Colorado Book Awards
The Colorado Book Awards began in 1991 with four categories— a program that seeks to celebrate the accomplishments of Colorado’s literary community. The Award is meant to both recognize outstanding authors and to promote those authors to Colorado readers. Our goal is to raise the profile of the literary community and recognize its contributors while increasing their accessibility to the everyday reader who will, in turn, appreciate and share their work. Finalists are considered in February and Winners posted in April each year. More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Connecticut Book AwardsAdministerd by the Connecticut Center for the Book whose mission it is to celebrate books, writers and readers who engender and sustain the life of the imagination and to highlight authors, illustrators, printers, publishers, and the literary heritage of the State of Connecticutto celebrate books, writers and readers who engender and sustain the life of the imagination and to highlight authors, illustrators, printers, publishers, and the literary heritage of the State of Connecticut. The Center is located at Hartford Public Library.
The Author/illustrator/designer must have resided in Connecticut for at least three years or have been born in the state. Alternatively, the work may be set in Connecticut. Finalists are announced in August and the winners in September.
Awards given in the following categories Biography or Memoir- Children’s Literature, Author - Children’s Literature, Illustrator- Design:Cover only or Entire book - Fiction - Nonfiction - Poetry . Details past & present winners
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ECPA Christian Book Awards- Evangelical Christian Publishers AssociationSince 1978 the Christian Book Awards (formerly the Gold Medallion Awards) have awarded excellence in six categories: Bibles, Bible Reference & Study, Children & Youth, Inspiration & Gift, Christian Life, and Fiction. The awards are overseen by The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association .
Five finalists are selected in each category following a stringent judging process by judging panels specially selected for each category. Each title is evaluated and scored based on category-specific criteria such as content, literary quality, design and impact. The top scoring book in each category is named the Christian Book Award Winner. The Christian Book of the Year is chosen among the finalists based on its overall impact on the consumer as measured by sales. More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
Edgar Allan Poe- MysteryThe Edgar Allan Poe Awards , the Edgars, are named after Edgar Allan Poe the legendary mystery writer. They are presented every year by the Mystery Writers of America. They honor the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction, television, film and theatre published or produced in the past year. More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Florida Book Awards- multi
Coordinated by the Florida State University Program in American & Florida Studies -- and co-sponsored by the Florida Center for the Book, the State Library and Archives of Florida, the Florida Historical Society, the Florida Humanities Council, the Florida Literary Arts Coalition, the Florida Library Association, “Just Read, Florida!,” the Governor’s Family Literacy Initiative, the Florida Association for Media in Education, the Florida Center for the Literary Arts, Friends of the Florida State University Libraries, and the Florida Chapter of the Mystery Writers of America. More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
George Washington Book Prize-The George Washington Book Prize was instituted in 2005 and is awarded annually to the best book on America's founding era. It is administered by Washington College’s C.V. Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience and sponsored by Washington College in partnership with the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History and George Washington’s Mount Vernon.
At $50,000, the George Washington Book Prize is one of the largest book awards in the United States.
The 2008 George Washington Book Prize was awarded to Marcus Rediker for The Slave Ship: A Human History (Viking, 2007). Previous winners have included Ron Chernow in 2005 for Alexander Hamilton; Stacy Schiff in 2006 for A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America; and Charles Rappleye in 2007 for Sons of Providence: The Brown Brothers, The Slave Trade, and the American Revolution. More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Goldsmith Prize-The purpose of the Goldsmith Book Prize is to recognize works that "improve government through an examination of the intersection between press, politics, and public policy." The prize is awarded to the book published in the previous year that best exemplifies the fulfillment of this goal. The first such prize was awarded in 1993.
The Goldsmith Awards Program, launched in 1991, is based at the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, a part of Harvard University. The program includes two separate book prizes, the Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting, and the Goldsmith Career Award for Excellence in Journalism More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Hemmingway Foundation-Pen Award-The Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award is awarded annually to a novel or book of short stories by an American author who has not previously published a book of fiction. The award is funded by the Ernest Hemingway Foundation, which has been administered by the Hemingway Society since 1987, and PEN New England. It is named for Ernest Hemingway, the author of such novels as For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea. Mary Hemingway, a member of PEN, founded the award in 1976 both to honor the memory of her husband and to recognize distinguished first books of fiction.
The winner is selected by a panel of three distinguished fiction writers and receives a cash prize of US$8000. Along with the winner, two finalists and two runners-up receive a Ucross Residency Fellowship at the Ucross Foundation, a retreat for artists and writers on a 22,000 acre (89 km²) ranch on the high plains in Ucross, Wyoming. The award ceremony is held at the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston, Massachusetts More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Hugo Awards-The Hugo Awards are given every year for the best science fiction or fantasy works and achievements of the previous year. The award is named after Hugo Gernsback, the founder of the pioneering science fiction magazine Amazing Stories. Hugo Awards have been presented every year since 1955.
Hugo Award nominees and winners are chosen by members of the annual Worldcon (although only about 700 of several thousand Worldcon members actually vote[1]) and the presentation evening constitutes its central point. The selection process is defined in the World Science Fiction Society Constitution as instant-runoff voting with five nominees (except in the case of a tie).
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Janet-Heidinger Kafka-Since 1976, the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women's Studies and the Department of English at the University of Rochester have awarded the Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize for fiction by an American woman. The idea for the prize came out of the personal grief of the friends and family of a fine young editor who was killed in an automobile accident just as her career was beginning to achieve its promise of excellence. She was 30 years old, and those who knew her believed she would do much to further the causes of literature and women. Her family, her friends, and her professional associates in the publishing industry created the endowment from which the prize is bestowed, in memory of Janet Heidinger Kafka and the literary standards and personal ideals for which she stood More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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The IACP (International Association of Culinary Professionals) annually celebrate the year's most outstanding food and beverage publications. The awards program (originally called Tastemaker's) was created to encourage and promote quality and creativity in cookbook writing and publishing and to expand awareness of culinary literature. The IACP Cookbook Awards have become the industry's most coveted acknowledgement of excellence in the cookbook publishing world. More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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A series of awards and literary fellowships given out in various fields by the Lannan Foundation. The foundation's awards are some of the most lucrative in the world. The 2006 awards for poetry, fiction and nonfiction each came with $150,000. Established in 1989, the awards are meant "to honor both established and emerging writers whose work is of exceptional quality", according to the foundation.
The awards reflect the progressive, left-wing philosophy governing the Lannan Foundation, a family foundation that describes itself as "dedicated to cultural freedom, diversity and creativity through projects which support exceptional contemporary artists and writers, as well as inspired Native activists in rural indigenous communities.
Whilst an American based organisation, recipients of the awards from all around the world -more
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The Book Prize program was founded by the late Art Seidenbaum, a Los Angeles Times book editor from 1978 to 1985; an award named after him was added a year after his death in 1990. The Robert Kirsch Award is named after the longtime Times book critic who died in 1980. Works are eligible during the year of their first US publication in English, though English does not have to be the original language of the work. The author of each winning book and the Kirsch Award recipient receives a citation and $1,000 More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Louisiana Writer AwardCreated in 2000 by the Louisiana Center for the Book in the State Library
The award is given annually to honor a contemporary Louisiana writer whose published body of work represents a distinguished and enduring contribution to the literary and intellectual heritage of Louisiana. Only contemporary Louisiana writers are eligible for the award. Writers of juvenile and adult fiction, nonfiction, plays and poetry are eligible.
A Louisiana writer is defined as one who is a native of Louisiana or a current or past resident of the state.
The award is presented during a formal ceremony at the Louisiana Book Festival. The tribute includes a commemorative award and a $1,000 honorarium. Winners details
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MaCavity Awards-The Macavity Award is named for the "mystery cat" of T.S. Eliot (Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats). Each year the members of Mystery Readers International nominate and vote for their favorite mysteries in four categories: Best Mystery Novel. Best First Mystery. Best Mystery Short Story. Best Mystery Non-Fiction: More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
Massachusetts Book Awards
A foundational program of the Massachusetts Center for the Book. The program highlights the work of the Massachusetts contemporary writing community and encourages readers to do some "close reading" of those imaginative works created by local authors.
Each year, the MassBooks recognize significant achievements in fiction, general nonfiction, poetry, and children's literature from the previous calendar year. To be eligible, books must have been written by authors who currently live and work in Massachusetts or must present topics of particular and specific importance to the Commonwealth regardless of their author’s residency. More details of past and present winners and shortlists
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Michigan Notables
Every year, the Library of Michigan selects up to twenty of the most notable books, either written by a Michigan resident or about Michigan or the Great Lakes. The selected books are honored in the year after their publication or copyright date. Each selected title speaks to our state's rich cultural, historical, and literary heritage and proves without a doubt that some of the greatest stories are found in the Great Lakes State. More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
Minnesota Book Awards
The awards were created over two decades ago by The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library as part of a larger festival of the book.
Books created by writers, illustrators or book artists who are Minnesotans are eligible for Minnesota Book Awards. The Awards are given each year for books published in the previous year. For instance, the winners in 2008 were books published in 2007. The Book Awards process begins with nominations, which are received from authors, publishers and others from throughout the state. From the nominated works, Award finalists are chosen by panels of preliminary round judges. Award winners are then selected by different, final round, judging panels. Over the years of the Book Awards program, the categories of Award winners and the number of finalists has varied from year to year. More details of past and present winners and shortlists
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Montana Book Award (USA State Award)
An annual award that recognizes literary and/or artistic excellence in a book published during the award year. Eligible titles will be set in Montana, deal with Montana themes or issues, or be written, edited, or illustrated by a Montana author or artist. Books for all ages will be considered for the award.
The Montana Book Award was founded by the Friends of the Missoula Public Library in 2002 and winners are selected by a committee of individuals representing areas throughout Montana.
Not to be confused with the Montana New Zealand Book Awards!
a | b | c | d | e | fg | hijk | lm | n | opq | r | s | tuv |wxyz | top home | National Book Awards –The National Book Awards were established in 1950 by a consortium of publishing groups that wanted to bring to the public's attention exceptional books written by Americans, as well as encourage reading in general.
Today, the awards are give in four genres: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and young people's literature. The winners, chosen by five-member, independent judging panels for each genre, receive a $10,000 cash award and a bronze statue.
The Award is one the 'big three 'American book awards alongside the Pulitzer and the National Book Critics Choice. The Nationals Five Under 35 Award is also worth having a look at.
More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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National Circle of Book Critics – Multiple genresThe National Book Critics Circle (NBCC), consisting of nearly 700 active book reviewers, each year presents awards for the best book in six categories: fiction, general nonfiction, biography, autobiography, poetry, and criticism. Those who got the nod for this years final cull are featured above.
Prior to 1997, the award was limited to American citizens, when the eligibility rules were changed to include all authors of the best books published in the United States, regardless of nationality. Awards are announced in March each year with Finalists announced in January More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
a | b | c | d | e | fg | hijk | lm | n | opq | r | s | tuv |wxyz | top home | Nebula Awards– Science fiction/fantasy published in AmericaAbout the Literary Award- The Nebula Awards are given each year by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), for the best science fiction/fantasy fiction published in the United States during the two previous years . There is no cash prize associated with the book award, the award itself being a transparent block with an embedded glitter spiral nebula.
The fiction Nebulas are awarded in five different categories: novel, novella, novelette, short story, and script. The Society also gives the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Fiction. More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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New Jersey Council for the Humanities (NJCH) Book Awardsa nonprofit organization, was established in 1973 as the state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Thier programs are free and open to the public. A twenty-five member board of trustees, drawn from academia, business, and public life, oversees their work.
Each year NJCH selects for its Book Award a work of nonfiction in the humanities that encourages critical reflection and makes scholarly knowledge accessible to a general audience. The author needs a New Jersey connection either by birth, residence, or occupation at the time of submission, or the book is concerned primarily with a significant New Jersey subject. In either case, the author must clearly possess and display knowledge of the subject.The award will be presented at ceremony in the fall. More details of past and present winners and shortlists
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New York Society Library Book Awards
(NYC Book Awards) established in 1996, honor books of literary quality or historical importance that, in the opinion of the selection committee, evoke the spirit or enhance appreciation of New York City. It is not necessary that the city be the major subject of the book, but it must play an essential, invigorating role beyond that of the setting. More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
a | b | c | d | e | fg | hijk | lm | n | opq | r | s | tuv |wxyz | top home | North Carolina Book AwardsThe North Carolina Literary and Historical Association, established in 1900, is among the oldest organizations of its kind in the nation. Its history is interlinked with that of the North Carolina Office of Archives and History.
Organised in cooperation with other groups and with an aim to promote interest in the state’s literature, the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association annually conducts the following competitions for North Carolina authors: The Ragan Old North State Award Cup for Nonfiction, The Roanoke-Chowan Award for Poetry, The Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Fiction- Details of present and past winners
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Northern California Book AwardsStarting in 1981, the awards honor the work of Northern California authors in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translation, and children’s Literature.
“This is a very heartfelt, volunteer effort to celebrate the best of Northern California writing and publishing,” says Joyce Jenkins, director of Poetry Flash and chairwoman of the Northern California Book Reviewers Association, which organizes the event. “We also seek to recognize this as a literary region with its own character, identity and history and to highlight the importance of writing and publishing here." More details of current winners
a | b | c | d | e | fg | hijk | lm | n | opq | r | s | tuv |wxyz | top home |Ohioana Book Awards
Began in 1942 to bring state and national attention to Ohio authors and their books. Each year, up to six awards may be given to provide recognition and encouragement to authors for outstanding books in the categories of Fiction, Nonfiction, Juvenile Books, Poetry, and About Ohio or an Ohioan.
More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
Oklahoma Book Awards
Sponsored by the Oklahoma Center for the Book (OCB) the Oklahoma Book Awards are given each year in fiction, non-fiction, children/young adult, poetry, and design/illustration categories for work written by an Oklahoman or about Oklahoma.
Along with the annual Book Awards, the Center honors an Oklahoman who has contributed to the state's literary heritage by giving the Arrell Gibson Lifetime Achievement Award. The award is named for Norman historian Arrell Gibson, the Center's first president. More details of past and present winners
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Pen/Faulkner Award –The PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, administered by the Folger Shakespeare Library, was established in 1980 by writers to honor their peers.
The award is named for William Faulkner, who used his Nobel Prize funds to create an award for young writers, and PEN (Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists and Novelists), the international writers' organization.
The award judges, who are themselves writers of fiction, each read more than 250 novels and short story collections published during the calendar year before selecting five outstanding books.
The author of the book designated the winner receives $15,000; each of the other nominees receives $5,000 More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Philip K. Dick –
The Philip K. Dick Award, named for the famous author, is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society (PSFS) and hosted by Northwest Regional Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention (Norwescon). It is presented annually for distinguished science fiction paperback original published in the United States. The five judges must be writers or academics, and they choose their own successor every year.
The book must be a paperback original to be eligible—simultaneous publication in hardcover and paperback makes a book ineligible. While the purpose of this requirement is to promote a “neglected” media, the result is that the Philip K. Dick Award rarely chooses the same books as other science fiction awards, making it an excellent source of quality book recommendations. In addition to winners and nominees, special citations are given to books that stand out among the nominees.More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Pulitzer Prizes-The Pulitzer Prizes were established in 1917 with an endowment from Joseph Pulitzer to Columbia University to recognise significant achievements in journalism, letters, drama, and music. In the latter years of the 19th century, Joseph Pulitzer stood out as the very embodiment of American journalism. Hungarian-born, an intense indomitable figure, Pulitzer was the most skillful of newspaper publishers, a passionate crusader against dishonest government.
Five of the Pulitzer prizes, which also focuses on excellence in journalism, are concerned with literary achievements. These are the Pulitzer prizes for fiction, general non-fiction, biography, history and poetry. Each winner receives a $10,000 cash award More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Romance Book Awards- The RITAS USAThe Romance Writers of America are sponsors of the romance-publishing industry's highest award of distinction — the RITA Award. RITA awards are presented annually to the best published romance novels of the year. The award itself is a golden statuette named after RWA's first president, Rita Clay Estrada, and has become the symbol for the best in published romance fiction.
About the Contest
Up to 1,200 romance novels from 12 different categories are entered each year in the RITA competition. Novels can be entered either by their authors or by the books' publisher. After the first round of judging by fellow published romance authors, the competition narrows to approximately 100 finalists More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish LiteratureIn 2006, in celebration of Sami Rohr's 80th birthday, his children and grandchildren inaugarated the Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature to honor his lifelong love of Jewish writing.
The annual award recognizes the unique role of contemporary writers in the transmission and examination of Jewish values, and is intended to encourage and promote outstanding writing of Jewish interest.
Each year, the prize of $100,000 will aim to reward an emerging writer whose work has demonstrated a fresh vision and evidence of future potential. Recipients must have written a book of exceptional literary merit that stimulates an interest in themes of Jewish concern. Fiction and non-fiction books will be considered in alternate years.
In conjunction with this award, the Rohr family has established the Sami Rohr Jewish Literary Institute, a forum devoted to the continuity of Jewish literature.
The Prize and Institute will be coordinated and administered under the exclusive auspices of the Jewish Book Council. Winners will be selected by an independent panel of judges More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Shamus Awards-The Shamus Awards are given by the Private Eye Writers of America to honor excellence in the PI genre. More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
Spur Awards- Western Writers of AmericaThe Spur Awards are given annually by the Western Writers of America for distinguished writing about the American West. They are among the oldest and most prestigious in American literature. In 1953, when the awards were established by WWA, western fiction was a staple of American publishing. At the time awards were given to the best western novel, best historical novel, best juvenile, and best short story.
Since then the awards have been broadened to include other types of writing about the West. Today, Spurs are offered for the best western novel (short novel), best novel of the west (long novel), best original paperback novel, best short story, best short nonfiction. Also, best contemporary nonfiction, best biography, best history, best juvenile fiction and nonfiction, best TV or motion picture drama, best TV or motion picture documentary, and best first novel (called The Medicine Pipe Bearer's Award). More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
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Story Prize (The)An annual book award honoring the author of an outstanding collection of short fiction with a $20,000 cash award. Each of two runners-up will receive $5,000. Eligible books must be written in English and first published in the United States during a calendar year.
The finalists are announced early in January each year. The 2009 winner is presented with an award and $20,000 at a ceremony at the New School's Tishman Auditorium (66 West 12th Street, New York City) in late March or early February 2010. At the event, the three finalists read from their books and discuss their work on-stage the current Director of The Story Prize. More details of past and present winners and shortlists
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Virginia - Library of Virginia Literary AwardsGiven to outstanding Virginia authors in the areas of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Past winners include Deborah Eisenberg, Donald McCaig, Suzanne Lebsock, Carrie Brown, Charles Wright, Richard Bausch, Ruth Stone, Melvin Patrick Ely, and Edward P. Jones. This is a juried award, and winners in each category receive a $3,500 prize and engraved crystal book. The awards are sponsored by U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management, and Weinstein Properties. More details of past and present winners and shortlists
Washington State Book Award (formerly the Governor's Writers Award)Given annually for outstanding books published by Washington authors the previous year. More details of past and present winners and shortlists
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World Fantasy-The World Fantasy Awards are annual, international awards given to authors and artists who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in the field of fantasy. Since 1975, when they were first awarded, they have been handed out at the World Fantasy Convention.
The book awards awards are considered among the most prestigious in the speculative fiction genre, and can be awarded to any work falling within the realm of fantasy. Winners are chosen from groups of nominees (generally five or six per category), also selected largely by the judges, with two picked by members of the annual WFC. Categories include, or have included: Novel; Novella (10,001 to 40,000 words); Short Fiction (under 10,000 words);Anthology Collection; Artist. Special Awards include: the Convention Award; Life Achievement; Special Award: Professional; Special Award: Non-Professional.
More details of past and present winners and shortlists.
Writers's League of Texas
The Writers' League of Texas sponsors the Annual Violet Crown Book Award to honor outstanding books published each year. The name of the Violet Crown award comes from an O. Henry phrase describing Austin as "the city of the Violet Crown."
The League also sponsors the
More details of past and presnet winners and shortlists
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