The Nebula Awards are given each year by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), for the best science fiction/fantasy fiction published in the United States during the two previous years . There is no cash prize associated with the book award, the award itself being a transparent block with an embedded glitter spiral nebula.
The fiction Nebulas are awarded in five different categories: novel, novella, novelette, short story, and script.
The Society also gives the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Fiction.
Nebula Winners from 1965 at Amazon
2009 Nebula Winners
25th April, The Nebula Awards 2009 winners were presented at a ceremony in Los Angeles.
- Powers (Annals of the Western Shore)
- Ursula K. Le Guin (Harcourt, Sep07)
- “The Spacetime Pool” - Catherine Asaro (Analog, Mar08)
- “Pride and Prometheus” - John Kessel (F&SF, Jan08)
Short Story
- “Trophy Wives” - Nina Kiriki Hoffman (Fellowship Fantastic, ed. Greenberg and Hughes, Daw Jan08)
- “Wall-E ” Screenplay by Andrew Stanton, Jim Reardon, Original story by Andrew Stanton, Pete Docter (Walt Disney June 2008)
Andre Norton Award
- Flora's Dare: How a Girl of Spirit Gambles All to Expand Her Vocabulary, Confront a Bouncing Boy Terror, and Try to Save Califa from a Shaky Doom (Despite Being Confined to Her Room)
- Ysabeau S. Wilce (Harcourt, Sep08)
2009 Nebula Finalists
Little Brother
by Cory Doctorow
Powers (Annals of the Western Shore) by Ursula K. Le Guin- Winner
Cauldron by Jack McDevitt
Brasyl by Ian McDonald
Making Money (Discworld Novels)
Making Money by Terry Pratchett
Superpowers: A Novel
by David J. Schwartz
by Kristin Cashore (Harcourt, Oct08)
Lamplighter (Monster Blood Tattoo, Book 2)
by D.M. Cornish (Monster Blood Tattoo, Book 2, Putnam Juvenile, May08))
by Ingrid Law (Dial, May08)
The Adoration of Jenna Fox
by Mary E. Pearson (Henry Holt and Company, Apr08)
Flora's Dare: How a Girl of Spirit Gambles All to Expand Her Vocabulary, Confront a Bouncing Boy Terror, and Try to Save Califa from a Shaky Doom (Despite Being Confined to Her Room) by Ysabeau S. Wilce (Harcourt, Sep08)- Winner
“The Spacetime Pool” by Catherine Asaro (Analog, Mar08)
“Dark Heaven” by Gregory Benford (Alien Crimes, Resnick, Mike, Ed., SFBC, Jan07)
“Dangerous Space” by Kelley Eskridge (Dangerous Space, Aquaduct Press, Jun07)
“The Political Prisoner” by Charles Coleman Finlay (F&SF, Aug08)
“The Duke in His Castle” by Vera Nazarian (Norilana Books, Jun08)
“If Angels Fight” by Richard Bowes (F&SF, Feb08)
“Dark Rooms” by Lisa Goldstein (Asimov’s, Oct/Nov 07)
“Pride and Prometheus” by John Kessel (F&SF, Jan08)
“Night Wind” by Mary Rosenblum (Lace and Blade, ed. Deborah J. Ross, Norilana Books, Feb08)
“Baby Doll” by Johanna Sinisalo (The SFWA European Hall of Fame, James Morrow & Kathryn Morrow, Ed., Tor, Jun07 )
“Kaleidoscope” by K.D. Wentworth (F&SF, May07)
“The Button Bin” by Mike Allen (Helix: A Speculative Fiction Quarterly, Oct07)
“The Dreaming Wind” by Jeffrey Ford (The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales, Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, Ed., Viking, Jul07)
“Trophy Wives” by Nina Kiriki Hoffman (Fellowship Fantastic, ed. Greenberg and Hughes, Daw Jan08)
“26 Monkeys, Also the Abyss” by Kij Johnson (Asimov’s, Jul08)
“The Tomb Wife” by Gwyneth Jones (F&SF, Aug07)
“Don’t Stop” by James Patrick Kelly (Asimov’s, Jun07)
The Dark Knight by Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan, Christopher, David S. Goyer (Warner Bros., Jul08)
Wall-E Screenplay by Andrew Stanton, Jim Reardon, Original story by Andrew Stanton, Pete Docter (Walt Disney June 2008)- Winner
The Shrine by Brad Wright (Stargate Atlantis, Aug08)
The Yiddish Policemen's Union & Harry Potter 
Sunday 27th April- Fresh off the press- more details to follow.
Chabon'sThe Yiddish Policemen's Union: A Novelhas won the best novel category at the freshly announced Nebulas. The film rights to the book were recently picked-up by filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen and producer Scott Rudin who purchased the film rights to Michael Chabon’s off-center mystery. The Coens, who have drawn kudos for their Oscar-winning adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s crime novel, No Country for Old Men, must be delighted at the recent turn of events partciularly as the book is also shortlisted for the BSFA Awards Best novel of the year.
Amongst the other big winners was JK Rowling fresh on the heels of picking-up a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Galaxy British Awards.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows won the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy.
The dark but convincing Pan's Labyrinth by Guillermo del Toro won the best Script award. Other winners below: 2007Nebula Award Winners (awarded in 2008)
2007 Nebula and Andre Norton Winners (awarded in 2008)
Novel:The Yiddish Policemen's Union: A Novel
- Michael Chabon
(right)(HarperCollins, May07)
Novella: “Fountain of Age” - Nancy Kress (Asimovs Science Fiction, Jul07)
Novelette: “The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate” - Ted Chiang(Fantasy & Science Fiction Sep07)
Short Story: “Always” - Karen Joy Fowler (Asimovs Science Fiction, Apr/May07)
Script:Pan's Labyrinth (2 Disc Set) [2006]- Guillermo del Toro (Time/Warner, Jan07)
Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy:Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- J. K. Rowling (Scholastic Press, Jul07)
Nebula Shortlists- Sci Fi Fans Go Stratospheric As Yiddish Policeman and Harry Potter Make the Shortlists
Sci-Fi fans are ecstatic atthe quality of this year nominees for the Nebula awards. The front runners include Michael Chabon's (left) The Yiddish Policemen's Union: A Novel
and veteren Joe Haldeman's The Accidental Time Machine
. Also in contention are The New Moon's Arms
-by Nalo Hopkinson, Ragamuffin
by Tobias Buckel and Odyssey
by the veteren and highly successful other Jack McDevitt.
Chabon's Yiddish Policemen's Union, has just been picked-up by filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen and producer Scott Rudin who have purchased the film rights to Michael Chabon’s off-center mystery. The Coens, who have drawn kudos for their Oscar-winning adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s crime novel No Country for Old Men (Vintage International), will write and direct the film, with Rudin taking on producing duties. The Coens and their team walked off with four Oscars, for best picture, best director, best adapted screenplay and best supporting actor.Given their recently elevated status Mr. Chabon must be a very happy lad particularly as his book is also shortlisted for the BSFA Awards Best novel of the year
You will have to dig around a bit for anything from the Best Novella and Best Novelette categories, copies are as rare as the proverbial hen's teeth in the UK at present. a bit more luck in 2007 Andre Norton Award for younger peoples literarture. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) by you know who,
J.K. Rowling, has been shortlisted. Ms. Rowlings is up against the talented newcomer Sarah Beth Durst whose evocative reworking offairy tale themes, Into the Wild
, was recently shortlisted for the American Bloggers Award, the Cybils.
Despite Harry Potter's popularity our favourite for the prize is Adam Rex's terrific satire, beautifully illustrated by Mr. Rex (left) himself, True Meaning of Smekday, The. The latter actually won a Cybils in the Elementary/Middle Grade category. The other contenders are listed below. Winners at the end of April.ovel of the year
Nebula Shortlists for 2007
The Accidental Time Machine - Haldeman, Joe (Ace, Aug07)
The Yiddish Policemen's Union: A Novel- Michael Chabon,(HarperCollins, May07)
The New Moon's Arms -Nalo Hopkinson, (Warner Books, Feb07)
Ragamuffin (Sci Fi Essential Books) - Tobias Buckel (right)l, (Tor, Jun07
Odyssey , Jack McDevitt (Ace, Nov06), Aug07 (Aired 8/23
- 2007 Best Novelettte
- "The Childr
en's Crusade," by Robin Wayne Bailey (right)
(Heroes in Training, Martin H. Greenberg and Jim C. Hines, Ed., DAW, Sep07)
"Child, Maiden, Woman, Crone," by Terry Bramlett
(Jim Baen's Universe 7, June 2007)
"The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate," by Ted Chiang
(F&SF, Sep07)
"The Evolution of Trickster Stories Among the Dogs Of North Park After the Change," by Kij Johnson (link to Private Edition)
(Coyote Road, Trickster Tales, Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, Ed., Viking Juvenile, Jul07)
"Safeguard," by Nancy Kress
(Asimov's, Jan07)
"Pol Pot's Beautiful Daughter," by Geoff Ryman
(F&SF, Nov06)
"The Fiddler of Bayou Teche," by Delia Sherman
(Coyote Road, Trickster Tales American Award List A-Z | Childrens Award List A-Z | International Award List A-Z | International Award News | ebooks | Amazon
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- 2007 Best Short Story
- "Unique Chicken Goes In Reverse," by Andy Duncan
(Eclipse 1: New Science Fiction And Fantasy, Jonathan Strahan, Ed., Night Shade Books, Oct07)
"Always," by Karen Joy Fowler
(Asimovs Science Fiction, May07 (Apr/May07 issue))
"Titanium Mike Saves the Day," by David D. Levine
(F&SF, Apr07)
"The Story of Love," by Vera Nazarian
(Salt of the Air, Prime Books, Sep06)
"Captive Girl," by Jennifer Pelland
(Helix: A Speculative Fiction Quarterly, WS & LWE, Ed., Oct06 (Fall06 issue -- #2))
"Pride," by Mary Turzillo
(Fast Forward 1, Pyr, Feb07 -
Vintage: A Ghost Story
, by Steve Berman
(Haworth Positronic Press, Mar07)
Into the Wild, by Sarah Beth Durst
(Penguin Razorbill, Jun07)
Shadow Speaker, by Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu (left)
(Jump At The Sun, Sep07)
True Meaning of Smekday, The, by Adam Rex
(Hyperion, Oct07)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)) [Children's Edition], by J.K. Rowling
(Scholastic Press, Jul07)
Flora Segunda: Being the Magickal Mishaps of a Girl of Spirit, Her Glass-Gazing Sidekick, Two Ominous Butlers (One Blue), a House with Eleven Thousand Rooms, and a Red Dogby Ysabeau S. Wilce
(Harcourt, Jan07)
The Lion Hunter (The Mark of Solomon)(Mark of Solomon)The Lion Hunter, by Elizabeth Wein
(Viking Juvenile, Jun07 (The Mark of Solomon, Book 1))American Award List A-Z | Childrens Award List A-Z | International Award List A-Z | International Award News | ebooks | Amazon
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- Children of Men (Combo HD DVD and Standard DVD) [HD DVD]
(2-disc Special Edition) [2006], by Alfonso Cuaron, Timothy J. Sexton, David
Arata, Mark Fergus, and Hawk Ostby
(Universal Studios, Dec06)
Pan's Labyrinth(2 Disc Set) [2006], by Guillermo del Toro
(Time/Warner, Jan07)
Blink, by Steven Moffat (script on Private Edition)
Doctor Who - (right David Tennant The Doctor right) BBC/The Sci-Fi Channel, Sep07 (Aired on SciFi Channel 14 Sep07))
The Prestige[2006], by Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan
(Newmarket Films, Oct06 (Oct 20, 2006 -- based on the novel by Christopher Priest))
V for Vendetta (Two-Disc Special Edition)[2006], by Larry Wachowski and Andy Wachowski
(Warner Films, Mar06 (released 3/17/2006 -- Written by the Wachowski Brothers, based on the graphic novel illustrated by David Lloyd and published by Vertigo/DC Comics))
World Enough and Time, by Marc Scott Zicree and Michael Reaves (script on Private Edition)
(Star Trek: New Voyages, Aug07) -
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- Nebula Best Novel 1965- 2006
Best Novella- Shortlist
"Awakening," by Judith Berman
(Black Gate 10, Spr07)
"The Helper and His Hero," by Matt Hughes
(F&SF, Mar07 (Feb07 & Mar07))
"Fountain of Age," by Nancy Kress
(Asimov's, Jul07)
"Stars Seen Through Stone," by Lucius Shepard
(F&SF, Jul07)
"Kiosk," by Bruce Sterling
(F&SF, Jan07)
"Memorare," by Gene Wolfe
(F&SF, Apr07)
2006 Seeker,by Jack McDevitt (below)
*The Privilege of the Sword
by Ellen Kushner
* The Girl in the Glass: A Novel, by Jeffrey Ford
* Farthing, by Jo Walton
* From the Files of the Time Rangers, by Richard Bowes
* To Crush the Moon, by Wil McCarthy
2005 Camouflage (Ace Science Fiction)by Joe Haldeman
* Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke
* Polaris by Jack McDevitt
* Going Postal (Discworld) by Terry Pratchett
* Air (Gollancz) by Geoff Ryman
* Orphans of Chaos by John C. Wright
2004 Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold
* Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow
* Omega by Jack McDevitt
* Cloud Atlas: A Novel by David Mitchell
* Perfect Circle by Sean Stewart
* The Knight by Gene Wolfe
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2003 Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon
* Diplomatic Immunity by Lois McMaster Bujold
* The Mount by Carol Emshwiller
* Light Music by Kathleen Ann Goonan
* The Salt Roads by Nalo Hopkinson
* Chindi by Jack McDevitt
2002 American Gods by Neil Gaima
* Solitaire by Kelley Eskridge
* The Other Wind by Ursula K. Le Guin
* Picoverse by Robert A. Metzger
* Perdido Street Station by China Miéville
* Bones of the Earth by Michael Swanwick
2001 The Quantum Rose by Catherine Asaro
* Eternity's End by Jeffrey A. Carver
* Mars Crossing by Geoffrey A. Landis
* A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin
* The Collapsium by Wil McCarthy
* The Tower at Stony Wood by Patricia A. McKillip
* Declare by Tim Powers
* Passage by Connie Willis
Although Declare appeared on the final ballot, it was afterwards determined to be ineligible.
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2000 Darwin's Radio by Greg Bear
* A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold
* Crescent City Rhapsody by Kathleen Ann Goonan
* Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson
* Infinity Beach by Jack McDevitt
* Forests of the Heart by Charles de Lint
1999 Parable of the Talents by Octavia E. Butler
* The Cassini Division by Ken MacLeod
* A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin
* Mission Child by Maureen F. McHugh
* Mockingbird by Sean Stewart
* A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge
1998 Forever Peace by Joe Haldeman1
* The Last Hawk by Catherine Asaro
* Moonfall by Jack McDevitt
* How Few Remain by Harry Turtledove
* Death of the Necromancer by Martha Wells
* To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis
1997 The Moon and the Sun by Vonda McIntyre
* Memory by Lois McMaster Bujold
* King's Dragon by Kate Elliott
* A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
* Ancient Shores by Jack McDevitt
* City on Fire by Walter Jon Williams
* Bellwether by Connie Willis
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1996 Slow River by Nicola Griffith
* The Silent Strength of Stones by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
* Winter Rose by Patricia A. McKillip
* Expiration Date by Tim Powers
* Starplex by Robert J. Sawyer
* The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
1995 The Terminal Experiment by Robert J. Sawyer
* Mother of Storms by John Barnes
* Beggars and Choosers by Nancy Kress
* Celestis by Paul Park
* Metropolitan by Walter Jon Williams
* Calde of the Long Sun by Gene Wolfe
1994 Moving Mars by Greg Bear
* Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler
* Gun, with Occasional Music by Jonathan Lethem
* Towing Jehovah by James Morrow
* Temporary Agency by Rachel Pollack
* Green Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson1
* A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny
1993 Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson
* Assemblers of Infinity by Kevin J. Anderson and Doug Beason
* Hard Landing by Algis Budrys
* Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress
* Nightside the Long Sun by Gene Wolfe
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1992 Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
* A Million Open Doors by John Barnes
* Sarah Canary by Karen Joy Fowler
* China Mountain Zhang by Maureen F. McHugh
* A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge
* Briar Rose by Jane Yolen
1991 Stations of the Tide by Michael Swanwick
* Orbital Resonance by John Barnes
* Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold
* Bone Dance by Emma Bull
* Synners by Pat Cadigan
* The Difference Engine by Bruce Sterling and William Gibson
1990 Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
* Mary Reilly by Valerie Martin
* Only Begotten Daughter by James Morrow
* The Fall of Hyperion by Dan Simmons
* Redshift Rendezvous by John E. Stith
* White Jenna by Jane Yolen
1989 The Healer's War by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
* The Boat of a Million Years by Poul Anderson
* Prentice Alvin by Orson Scott Card
* Good News From Outer Space by John Kessel
* Ivory: A Legend of Past and Future by Mike Resnick
* Sister Light, Sister Dark by Jane Yolen
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1988 Falling Free by Lois McMaster Bujold
* Deserted Cities of the Heart by Lewis Shiner
* Drowning Towers by George Turner
* Great Sky River by Gregory Benford
* Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson
* Red Prophet by Orson Scott Card
* The Urth of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
1987 The Falling Woman by Pat Murphy
* The Forge of God by Greg Bear
* Soldier of the Mist by Gene Wolfe
* The Uplift War by David Brin1
* Vergil in Averno by Avram Davidson
* When Gravity Fails by George Alec Effinger
1986 Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card1
* Count Zero by William Gibson
* Free Live Free by Gene Wolfe
* The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
* The Journal of Nicholas the American by Leigh Kennedy
* This is the Way the World Ends by James Morrow
1985 Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
* Blood Music by Greg Bear
* Dinner at Deviant's Palace by Tim Powers
* Helliconia Winter by Brian Aldiss
* The Postman by David Brin
* The Remaking of Sigmund Freud by Barry N. Malzberg
* Schismatrix by Bruce Sterling
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1984 Neuromancer by William Gibson
* Frontera by Lewis Shiner
* The Integral Trees by Larry Niven
* Job: A Comedy of Justice by Robert A. Heinlein
* The Man Who Melted by Jack Dann
* The Wild Shore by Kim Stanley Robinson
1983 Startide Rising by David Brin
* Against Infinity by Gregory Benford
* The Citadel of the Autarch by Gene Wolfe
* Lyonesse by Jack Vance
* Tea with the Black Dragon by R. A. MacAvoy
* The Void Captain's Tale by Norman Spinrad
1982 No Enemy But Time by Michael Bishop
* Foundation's Edge by Isaac Asimov
* Friday by Robert A. Heinlein
* Helliconia Spring by Brian Aldiss
* The Sword of the Lictor by Gene Wolfe
* The Transmigration of Timothy Archer by Philip K. Dick
1981 The Claw of the Conciliator by Gene Wolfe
* Little, Big by John Crowley
* The Many-Colored Land by Julian May
* Radix by A. A. Attanasio
* Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban
* The Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas
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1980 Timescape by Gregory Benford
* Beyond the Blue Event Horizon by Frederik Pohl
* Mockingbird by Walter Tevis
* The Orphan by Robert Stallman
* The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe
* The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge
1979 The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke
* Jem by Frederik Pohl
* Juniper Time by Kate Wilhelm
* On Wings of Song by Thomas M. Disch
* The Road to Corlay by Richard Cowper
* Titan by John Varley
1978 Dreamsnake by Vonda McIntyre
* Blind Voices by Tom Reamy
* The Faded Sun: Kesrith by C. J. Cherryh
* Kalki by Gore Vidal
* Strangers by Gardner Dozois
1977 Gateway by Frederik Pohl
* Cirque by Terry Carr
* In the Ocean of Night by Gregory Benford
* Moonstar Odyssey by David Gerrold
* Sword of Demon by Richard A. Lupoff
1976 Man Plus by Frederik Pohl
* Inferno by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
* Islands by Marta Randall
* Shadrach in the Furnace by Robert Silverberg
* Triton by Samuel R. Delany
* Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang by Kate Wilhelm
1975 The Forever War by Joe Haldeman
* Autumn Angels by Arthur Byron
* The Birthgrave by Tanith Lee
* The Computer Connection by Alfred Bester
* Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delany
* Doorways in the Sand by Roger Zelazny
* The Embedding by Ian Watson
* The Exile Waiting by Vonda N. McIntyre
* The Female Man by Joanna Russ
* A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire by Michael Bishop
* Guernica Night by Barry N. Malzberg
* The Heritage of Hastur by Marion Zimmer Bradley
* Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino
* A Midsummer Tempest by Poul Anderson
* The Missing Man by Katherine Maclean
* The Mote in God's Eye by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
* Ragtime by E. L. Doctorow
* The Stochastic Man by Robert Silverberg
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1974 The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin1
* 334 by Thomas M. Disch
* Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said by Philip K. Dick
* The Godwhale by T. J. Bass
1973 Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke
* Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
* The Man Who Folded Himself by David Gerrold
* The People of the Wind by Poul Anderson
* Time Enough for Love by Robert A. Heinlein
1972 The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov
* The Book of Skulls by Robert Silverberg
* Dying Inside by Robert Silverberg
* The Iron Dream by Norman Spinrad
* The Sheep Look Up by John Brunner
* What Entropy Means to Me by George Alec Effinger
* When Harlie Was One by David Gerrold
1971 A Time of Changes by Robert Silverberg
* The Byworlder by Poul Anderson
* The Devil is Dead by R. A. Lafferty
* Half Past Human by T. J. Bass
* The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin
* Margaret and I by Kate Wilhelm
1970 Ringworld by Larry Niven
* And Chaos Died by Joanna Russ
* Fourth Mansions by R. A. Lafferty
* The Steel Crocodile by D. G. Compton
* Tower of Glass by Robert Silverberg
* The Year of the Quiet Sun by Wilson Tucker
1969 The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
* Bug Jack Barron by Norman Spinrad
* Isle of the Dead by Roger Zelazny
* The Jagged Orbit by John Brunner
* Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
* Up the Line by Robert Silverberg
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1968 Rite of Passage by Alexei Panshin
* Black Easter by James Blish
* Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
* The Masks of Time by Robert Silverberg
* Past Master by R. A. Lafferty
* Picnic on Paradise by Joanna Russ
* Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner1
1967 The Einstein Intersection by Samuel R. Delany
* Chthon by Piers Anthony
* The Eskimo Invasion by Hayden Howard
* Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny1
* Thorns by Robert Silverberg
1966 (tie)
* Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delany
* Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
* The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein1
1965 Dune by Frank Herbert1
* All Flesh is Grass by Clifford D. Simak
* The Clone by Theodore Thomas & Kate Wilhelm
* Dr. Bloodmoney by Philip K. Dick
* The Escape Orbit by James White
* The Genocides by Thomas M. Disch
* Nova Express by William Burroughs
* A Plague of Demons by Keith Laumer
* Rogue Dragon by Avram Davidson
* The Ship That Sailed the Time Stream by G. C. Edmondson
* The Star Fox by Poul Anderson
* The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by Philip K. Dick
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Nebula Best Novella 1965-2006
2006 "Burn," by James Patrick Kelly
* "Sanctuary," by Michael A. Burstein
* "The Walls of the Universe," by Paul Melko
* "Inclination," by William Shunn
2005 "Magic for Beginners" by Kelly Link
* "Clay's Pride" by Bud Sparhawk
* "Identity Theft" by Robert J. Sawyer
* "Left of the Dial" by Paul Witcover
* "The Tribes of Bela" by Albert E. Cowdrey
2004 "The Green Leopard Plague" by Walter Jon Williams
* "Walk in Silence" by Catherine Asaro
* "The Tangled Strings of the Marionettes" by Adam-Troy Castro
* "The Cookie Monster" by Vernor Vinge
* "Just Like the Ones We Used to Know" by Connie Willis
2003 "Coraline" by Neil Gaiman
* "The Potter of Bones" by Eleanor Arnason
* "The Empress of Mars" by Kage Baker
* "Stories for Men" by John Kessel
* "Breathmoss" by Ian R. MacLeod
2002 "Bronte's Egg" by Richard Chwedyk
* "Sunday Night Yams at Minnie and Earl's" by Adam-Troy Castro
* "The Chief Designer" by Andy Duncan
* "The Political Officer" by Charles Coleman Finlay
* "Magic's Price" by Bud Sparhawk
2001 "The Ultimate Earth" by Jack Williamson
* "A Roll of the Dice" by Catherine Asaro
* "May Be Some Time" by Brenda W. Clough
* "The Diamond Pit" by Jack Dann
* "Radiant Green Star" by Lucius Shepard
2000 "Goddesses" by Linda Nagata
* "Fortitude" by Andy Duncan
* "Ninety Percent of Everything" by Jonathan Lethem, James Patrick Kelly & John Kessel
* "Hunting the Snark" by Mike Resnick
* "Crocodile Rock" by Lucius Shepard
* "Argonautica" by Walter Jon Williams
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1999 "Story of Your Life" by Ted Chiang
* "Reality Check" by Michael A. Burstein
* "The Astronaut from Wyoming" by Adam-Troy Castro & Jerry Oltion
* "Living Trust" by L. Timmel Duchamp
* "The Executioners' Guild" by Andy Duncan
* "The Wedding Album" by David Marusek
1998 "Reading the Bones" by Sheila Finch
* "Aurora in Four Voices" by Catherine Asaro
* "The Boss in the Wall, A Treatise on the House Devil" by Avram Davidson & Grania Davis
* "Izzy and the Father of Terror" by Eliot Fintushel
* "Jumping Off the Planet" by David Gerrold
* "Ecopoiesis" by Geoffrey A. Landis
1997 "Abandon in Place" by Jerry Oltion
* "The Funeral March of the Marionettes" by Adam-Troy Castro
* "Loose Ends" by Paul Levinson
* "Chrysalis" by Robert Reed
* "Primrose and Thorn" by Bud Sparhawk
* "…Where Angels Fear to Tread" by Allen Steele
1996 "Da Vinci Rising" by Jack Dann
* "A Woman's Liberation" by Ursula K. Le Guin
* "Blood of the Dragon" by George R. R. Martin
* "Time Travelers Never Die" by Jack McDevitt
* "The Cost to Be Wise" by Maureen F. McHugh
* "The Death of Captain Future" by Allen Steele
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1995 "Last Summer at Mars Hill" by Elizabeth Hand
* "Soon Comes Night" by Gregory Benford
* "Yaguara" by Nicola Griffith
* "Bibi" by Mike Resnick & Susan Shwartz
* "Mortimer Gray's History of Death" by Brian Stableford
1994 "Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge" by Mike Resnick
* "Mefisto In Onyx" by Harlan Ellison
* "Haunted Humans" by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
* "Forgiveness Day" by Ursula K. Le Guin
* "Fan" by Geoff Ryman
* "Cold Iron" by Michael Swanwick
1993 "The Night We Buried Road Dog" by Jack Cady
* "The Beauty Addict" by Ray Aldridge
* "Dancing on Air" by Nancy Kress
* "Into the Miranda Rift" by G. David Nordley
* "Naming the Flowers" by Kate Wilhelm
* "Wall, Stone, Craft" by Walter Jon Williams
1992 "City of Truth" by James Morrow
* "Silver or Gold" by Emma Bull
* "The Territory" by Bradley Denton
* "Contact" by Jerry Oltion & Lee Goodloe
* "Protection" by Maureen F. McHugh
* "Barnacle Bill the Spacer" by Lucius Shepard
* "Griffin's Egg" by Michael Swanwick
1991 "Beggars in Spain" by Nancy Kress
* "Man Opening a Door" by Paul Ash
* "Apartheid, Superstrings, and Mordecai Thubana" by Michael Bishop
* "Bully!" by Mike Resnick
* "The Gallery of His Dreams" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
* "Jack" by Connie Willis
1990 "The Hemingway Hoax" by Joe Haldeman
* "Weatherman" by Lois McMaster Bujold
* "Fool to Believe" by Pat Cadigan
* "Mr. Boy" by James Patrick Kelly
* "Bones" by Pat Murphy
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1989 "The Mountains of Mourning" by Lois McMaster Bujold
* "Great Work of Time" by John Crowley
* "Marîd Changes His Mind" by George Alec Effinger
* "A Touch of Lavender" by Megan Lindholm
* "Tiny Tango" by Judith Moffett
* "A Dozen Tough Jobs" by Howard Waldrop
1988 "The Last of the Winnebagos" by Connie Willis
* "The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians" by Bradley Denton
* "The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter" by Lucius Shepard
* "Journals of the Plague Years" by Norman Spinrad
* "Surfacing" by Walter Jon Williams
* "The Devil's Arithmetic" by Jane Yolen
1987 "The Blind Geometer" by Kim Stanley Robinson
* "Fugue State" by John M. Ford
* "The Tiger Sweater" by Keith Roberts
* "The Unconquered Country" by Geoff Ryman
* "The Secret Sharer" by Robert Silverberg
* "Witness" by Walter Jon Williams
1986 "R&R" by Lucius Shepard
* "Newton Sleep" by Gregory Benford
* "Escape from Kathmandu" by Kim Stanley Robinson
* "Gilgamesh in the Outback" by Robert Silverberg
* "Dydeetown Girl" by F. Paul Wilson
1985 "Sailing to Byzantium" by Robert Silverberg
* "Green Mars" by Kim Stanley Robinson
* "Green Days in Brunei" by Bruce Sterling
* "The Only Neat Thing to Do" by James Tiptree, Jr.
* "The Gorgon Field" by Kate Wilhelm
* "24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai" by Roger Zelazny
1984 "Press ENTER" by John Varley
* "Young Doctor Eszterhazy" by Avram Davidson
* "Trinity" by Nancy Kress
* "The Greening of Bed-Stuy" by Frederik Pohl
* "A Traveler's Tale" by Lucius Shepard
* "Marrow Death" by Michael Swanwick
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1983 "Hardfought" by Greg Bear
* "The Gospel According to Gamaliel Crucis" by Michael Bishop
* "Her Habiline Husband" by Michael Bishop
* "Eszterhazy and the Autogóndola-Invention" by Avram Davidson
* "Transit" by Vonda N. McIntyre
* "Homefaring" by Robert Silverberg
1982 "Another Orphan" by John Kessel
* "Horrible Imaginings" by Fritz Leiber
* "Moon of Ice" by Brad Linaweaver
* "Unsound Variations" by George R. R. Martin
* "Souls" by Joanna Russ
1981 "The Saturn Game" by Poul Anderson
* "Swarmer, Skimmer" by Gregory Benford
* "Amnesia" by Jack Dann
* "In the Western Tradition" by Phyllis Eisenstein
* "True Names" by Vernor Vinge
* "The Winter Beach" by Kate Wilhelm
1980 "Unicorn Tapestry" by Suzy McKee Charnas
* "There Beneath the Silky-Trees and Whelmed in Deeper Gulphs Than Me" by Avram Davidson
* "Lost Dorsai" by Gordon R. Dickson
* "The Brave Little Toaster" by Thomas M. Disch
* "Dangerous Games" by Marta Randall
* "The Autopsy" by Michael Shea
1979 "Enemy Mine" by Barry B. Longyear
* "The Tale of Gorgik" by Samuel R. Delany
* "Mars Masked" by Frederik Pohl
* "The Battle of the Abaco Reefs" by Hilbert Schenck
* "Fireship" by Joan D. Vinge
* "The Story Writer" by Richard Wilson
1978 "The Persistence of Vision" by John Varley
* "Seven American Nights" by Gene Wolfe
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1977 "Stardance" by Spider Robinson & Jeanne Robinson
* "Aztecs" by Vonda N. McIntyre
1976 "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" by James Tiptree, Jr.
* "The Samurai and the Willows" by Michael Bishop
* "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" by Richard Cowper
* "The Eyeflash Miracles" by Gene Wolfe
1975 "Home Is the Hangman" by Roger Zelazny
* "Sunrise West" by William K. Carlson
* "The Storms of Windhaven" by Lisa Tuttle & George R. R. Martin
* "A Momentary Taste of Being" by James Tiptree, Jr.
1974 "Born with the Dead" by Robert Silverberg
* "On the Street of the Serpents" by Michael Bishop
* "A Song for Lya" by George R. R. Martin
1973 "The Death of Doctor Island" by Gene Wolfe
* "Death and Designation Among the Asadi" by Michael Bishop
* "The White Otters of Childhood" by Michael Bishop
* "Junction" by Jack Dann
* "Chains of the Sea" by Gardner Dozois
1972 "A Meeting with Medusa" by Arthur C. Clarke
* "Son of the Morning" by Phyllis Gotlieb
* "The Word for World is Forest" by Ursula K. Le Guin
* "With the Bentfin Boomer Boys on Little Old New Alabama" by Richard A. Lupoff
* "The Gold at the Starbow's End" by Frederik Pohl
* "The Fifth Head of Cerberus" by Gene Wolfe
1971 "The Missing Man" by Katherine Maclean
* "Being There" by Jerzy Kosinski
* "The God House" by Keith Roberts
* "The Infinity Box" by Kate Wilhelm
* "The Plastic Abyss" by Kate Wilhelm
1970 "Ill Met in Lankhmar" by Fritz Leiber
* "The Fatal Fulfillment" by Poul Anderson
* "A Style in Treason" by James Blish
* "The Region Between" by Harlan Ellison
* "The Thing in the Stone" by Clifford D. Simak
* "April Fool's Day Forever" by Kate Wilhelm
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1969 "A Boy and His Dog" by Harlan Ellison
* "Probable Cause" by Charles L. Harness
* "Ship of Shadows" by Fritz Leiber
* "Dramatic Mission" by Anne McCaffrey
* "To Jorslem" by Robert Silverberg
1968 "Dragonrider" by Anne McCaffrey
* "Lines of Power" by Samuel R. Delany
* "The Day Before Forever" by Keith Laumer
* "Hawk Among the Sparrows" by Dean McLaughlin
* "Nightwings" by Robert Silverberg
1967 "Behold the Man" by Michael Moorcock
* "Riders of the Purple Wage" by Philip José Farmer
* "Weyr Search" by Anne McCaffrey
* "Hawksbill Station" by Robert Silverberg
* "If All Men Were Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister?" by Theodore Sturgeon
1966 "The Last Castle" by Jack Vance
* "Clash of Star-Kings" by Avram Davidson
* "The Alchemist" by Charles L. Harness
1965 (tie)
* "The Saliva Tree" by Brian W. Aldiss
* "He Who Shapes" by Roger Zelazny
* "Rogue Dragon" by Avram Davidson
* "The Ballad of Beta-2" by Samuel R. Delany
* "The Mercurymen" by C. C. MacApp
* "Under Two Moons" by Frederik Pohl
* "Research Alpha" by A. E. van Vogt & James H. Schmitz
* "On the Storm Planet" by Cordwainer Smith
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Nebula Best Short Story 1965-2006
2006 Echo by Elizabeth Hand
* Helen Remembers the Stork Club by Esther M. Friesner
* The Woman in Schrodinger's Wave Equations by Eugene Mirabelli
* Henry James, This One's For You by Jack McDevitt
* An End To All Things by Karina Sumner-Smith
* Pip and the Fairies, by Theodora Goss
2005 I Live With You by Carol Emshwiller
* Born Again, by K.D. Wentworth
* The End of the World as We Know It by Dale Bailey
* My Mother, Dancing by Nancy Kress
* Singing My Sister Down by Margo Lanagan
* Still Life with Boobs by Anne Harris
* There's a Hole in the City by Richard Bowes
2004 Coming to Terms by Eileen Gunn
* The Strange Redemption of Sister Mary Anne by Mike Moscoe
* Travels with My Cats by Mike Resnick
* Embracing-The-New by Benjamin Rosenbaum
* In the Late December by Greg van Eekhout
* Aloha by Ken Wharton
2003 What I Didn't See by Karen Joy Fowler
* Knapsack Poems by Eleanor Arnason
* The Brief History of the Dead by Kevin Brockmeier
* Goodbye to All That by Harlan Ellison
* Grandma by Carol Emshwiller
* Lambing Season by Molly Gloss
* The Last of the O-Forms by James Van Pelt
2002 Creature by Carol Emshwiller
* Creation by Jeffrey Ford
* Cut by Megan Lindholm
* Nothing Ever Happens in Rock City by Jack McDevitt
* Little Gods by Tim Pratt
* The Dog Said Bow-Wow by Michael Swanwick
2001 The Cure for Everything by Severna Park
* Kaddish for the Last Survivor by Michael A. Burstein
* The Elephants on Neptune by Mike Resnick
* Mom and Dad at the Home Front by Sherwood Smith
* Wound the Wind by George Zebrowski
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2000 macs by Terry Bisson
* The Fantasy Writer's Assistant by Jeffrey Ford
* Flying Over Water by Ellen Klages
* The Golem by Severna Park
* Scherzo with Tyrannosaur by Michael Swanwick
* You Wandered Off Like a Foolish Child To Break Your Heart and Mine by Pat York
1999 The Cost of Doing Business by Leslie What
* Flower Kiss by Constance Ash
* The Dead Boy at Your Window by Bruce Holland Rogers
* Basil the Dog by Frances Sherwood
* Radiant Doors by Michael Swanwick
* Ancient Engines by Michael Swanwick
1998 Thirteen Ways to Water by Bruce Holland Rogers
* When the Bow Breaks by Steven Brust
* Standing Room Only by Karen Joy Fowler
* Fortune and Misfortune by Lisa Goldstein
* Winter Fire by Geoffrey A. Landis
* Tall One by K. D. Wentworth
1997 Sister Emily's Lightship by Jane Yolen
* The Crab Lice by Gregory Feeley
* The Elizabeth Complex by Karen Joy Fowler
* Itsy Bitsy Spider by James Patrick Kelly
* The Dead by Michael Swanwick
* Burning Bright by K. D. Wentworth
1996 A Birthday by Esther Friesner
* In the Pound, Near Breaktime by Kent Brewster
* The String by Kathleen Ann Goonan
* Five Fucks by Jonathan Lethem
* These Shoes Strangers Have Died Of by Bruce Holland Rogers
* In the Shade of the Slowboat Man by Dean Wesley Smith
1995 Death and the Librarian by Esther Friesner
* Alien Jane by Kelley Eskridge
* Grass Dancer by Owl Goingback
* The Narcissus Plague by Lisa Goldstein
* The Kingdom of Cats and Birds by Geoffrey A. Landis
* The Lincoln Train by Maureen F. McHugh
* Short Timer by Dave Smeds
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1994 A Defense of the Social Contracts by Martha Soukup
* Inspiration by Ben Bova
* None So Blind by Joe Haldeman
* Understanding Entropy by Barry N. Malzberg
* Virtual Love by Maureen F. McHugh
* I Know What You're Thinking by Kate Wilhelm
1993 Graves by Joe Haldeman
* The Man Who Rowed Christopher Columbus Ashore by Harlan Ellison
* All Vows by Esther M. Friesner
* Alfred by Lisa Goldstein
* The Good Pup by Bridget McKenna
* The Beggar in the Living Room by William John Watkins
1992 Even the Queen by Connie Willis
* Life Regarded as a Jigsaw Puzzle of Highly Lustrous Cats by Michael Bishop
* Lennon Spex by Paul Di Filippo
* The Mountain to Mohammed by Nancy Kress
* Vinland the Dream by Kim Stanley Robinson
* The Arbitrary Placement of Walls by Martha Soukup
1991 Ma Qui by Alan Brennert
* They're Made Out of Meat by Terry Bisson
* The Dark by Karen Joy Fowler
* Buffalo by John Kessel
* Dog's Life by Martha Soukup
* the button, and what you know by W. Gregory Stewart
1990 Bears Discover Fire by Terry Bisson
* The Power and the Passion by Pat Cadigan
* Lieserl by Karen Joy Fowler
* Love and Sex Among the Invertebrates by Pat Murphy
* Before I Wake by Kim Stanley Robinson
* Story Child by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
1989 Ripples in the Dirac Sea by Geoffrey A. Landis
* The Adinkra Cloth by Mary C. Aldridge
* The Ommatidium Miniatures by Michael Bishop
* Lost Boys by Orson Scott Card
* Boobs by Suzy McKee Charnas
* Dori Bangs by Bruce Sterling
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1988 Bible Stories for Adults, No. 17: The Deluge by James Morrow
* Voices of the Kill by Thomas M. Disch
* Mrs. Shummel Exits a Winner by John Kessel
* The Fort Moxie Branch by Jack McDevitt
* Dead Men on TV by Pat Murphy
* The Color Winter by Steven Popkes
1987 Forever Yours, Anna by Kate Wilhelm
* Angel by Pat Cadigan
* Kid Charlemagne by Paul Di Filippo
* The Faithful Companion at Forty by Karen Joy Fowler
* Cassandra's Photographs by Lisa Goldstein
* Temple to a Minor Goddess by Susan Shwartz
* Why I Left Harry's All-Night Hamburgers by Lawrence Watt-Evans
1986 Tangents by Greg Bear
* Robot Dreams (Asimov short story) by Isaac Asimov
* Pretty Boy Crossover by Pat Cadigan
* Rat by James Patrick Kelly
* The Boy Who Plaited Manes by Nancy Springer
* The Lions Are Asleep This Night by Howard Waldrop
1985 Out of All Them Bright Stars by Nancy Kress
* Paper Dragons by James P. Blaylock
* Snow by John Crowley
* The Gods of Mars by Gardner Dozois, Jack Dann & Michael Swanwick
* More Than the Sum of His Parts by Joe Haldeman
* Flying Saucer Rock & Roll by Howard Waldrop
* Heirs of the Perisphere by Howard Waldrop
* Hong's Bluff by William F. Wu
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1984 Morning Child by Gardner Dozois
* The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean, Everything by George Alec Effinger
* Salvador by Lucius Shepard
* Sunken Gardens by Bruce Sterling
* A Cabin on the Coast by Gene Wolfe
* The Eichmann Variations by George Zebrowski
1983 The Peacemaker by Gardner Dozois
* Her Furry Face by Leigh Kennedy
* Cryptic by Jack McDevitt
* Ghost Town by Chad Oliver
* The Geometry of Narrative by Hilbert Schenck
* Wong's Lost and Found Emporium by William F. Wu
1982 A Letter from the Clearys by Connie Willis
* Petra by Greg Bear
* High Steel by Jack C. Haldeman II & Jack Dann
* Corridors by Barry N. Malzberg
* The Pope of the Chimps by Robert Silverberg
* God's Hooks! by Howard Waldrop
1981 The Bone Flute by Lisa Tuttle (refused)
* Going Under by Jack Dann
* Disciples by Gardner Dozois
* Johnny Mnemonic by William Gibson
* The Quiet by George Guthridge
* Venice Drowned by Kim Stanley Robinson
* Zeke by Timothy R. Sullivan
* The Pusher by John Varley
1980 Grotto of the Dancing Deer by Clifford D. Simak
* Secrets of the Heart by Charles L. Grant
* Window by Bob Leman
* War Beneath the Tree by Gene Wolfe
o A Sunday Visit with Great-Grandfather by Craig Strete was withdrawn
1979 giANTS by Edward Bryant
* Vernalfest Morning by Michael Bishop
* Unaccompanied Sonata by Orson Scott Card
* Red as Blood by Tanith Lee
* The Way of Cross and Dragon by George R. R. Martin
* The Extraordinary Voyages of Amélie Bertrand by Joanna Russ
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1978 Stone by Edward Bryant
* Cassandra by C. J. Cherryh
* A Quiet Revolution for Death by Jack Dann
1977 Jeffty Is Five by Harlan Ellison
* Tin Woodman by Dennis R. Bailey & Dave Bischoff
* The Hibakusha Gallery by Edward Bryant
* Camera Obscura by Thomas F. Monteleone
* Air Raid by John Varley
1976 A Crowd of Shadows by Charles L. Grant
* Tricentennial by Joe Haldeman
* Breath's a Ware That Will Not Keep by Thomas F. Monteleone
* Back to the Stone Age by Jake Saunders
* Stone Circle by Lisa Tuttle
* Mary Margaret Road-Grader by Howard Waldrop
1975 Catch That Zeppelin! by Fritz Leiber
* Doing Lennon by Gregory Benford
* White Creatures by Gregory Benford
* Utopia of a Tired Man by Jorge Luis Borges
* A Scraping at the Bones by Algis Budrys
* Attachment by Phyllis Eisenstein
* Shatterday by Harlan Ellison
* Find the Lady by Nicholas Fisk
* White Wolf Calling by Charles L. Grant
* Sail the Tide of Mourning by Richard A. Lupoff
* Child of All Ages by P. J. Plauger
* Growing Up in Edge City by Frederik Pohl
* Time Deer by Craig Strete
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1974 The Day Before the Revolution by Ursula K. Le Guin
* After King Kong Fell by Philip José Farmer
* The Engine at Heartspring's Center by Roger Zelazny
1973 Love Is the Plan the Plan Is Death by James Tiptree, Jr.
* Shark by Edward Bryant
* With Morning Comes Mistfall by George R. R. Martin
* Wings by Vonda N. McIntyre
* A Thing of Beauty by Norman Spinrad
* German Invasion by Gene Wolfe
1972 When It Changed by Joanna Russ
* On the Downhill Side by Harlan Ellison
* Shaffery Among the Immortals by Frederik Pohl
* When We Went to See the End of the World by Robert Silverberg
* And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side by James Tiptree, Jr.
* Against the Lafayette Escadrille by Gene Wolfe
1971 Good News from the Vatican by Robert Silverberg
* Horse of Air by Gardner Dozois
* The Last Ghost by Stephen Goldin
* Heathen God by George Zebrowski
1970 (no award)
* A Dream at Noonday by Gardner Dozois
* By the Falls by Harry Harrison
* Entire and Perfect Chrysolite by R. A. Lafferty
* In the Queue by Keith Laumer
* The Creation of Bennie Good by James Sallis
* A Cold Dark Night with Snow by Kate Wilhelm
* The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories by Gene Wolfe
1969 Passengers by Robert Silverberg
* Shattered Like a Glass Goblin by Harlan Ellison
* Not Long Before the End by Larry Niven
* The Man Who Learned Loving by Theodore Sturgeon
* The Last Flight of Dr. Ain by James Tiptree, Jr.
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1968 The Planners by Kate Wilhelm
* Kyrie by Poul Anderson
* The Dance of the Changer and the Three by Terry Carr
* Sword Game by H. H. Hollis
* Masks by Damon Knight
* Idiot's Mate by Robert Taylor
1967 "Aye, and Gomorrah…" by Samuel R. Delany
* Earthwoman by Reginald Bretnor
* Driftglass by Samuel R. Delany
* Answering Service by Fritz Leiber
* The Doctor by Theodore Thomas
* Baby, You Were Great by Kate Wilhelm
1966 The Secret Place by Richard McKenna
* Man In His Time by Brian W. Aldiss
* Light of Other Days by Bob Shaw
1965 "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman by Harlan Ellison
* Eyes Do More Than See by Isaac Asimov
* Founding Father by Isaac Asimov
* Souvenir by J. G. Ballard
* Game by Donald Barthelme
* Lord Moon by Jane Beauclerk
* Uncollected Works by Lin Carter
* A Few Kindred Spirits by John Christopher
* The House the Blakeneys Built by Avram Davidson
* Computers Don't Argue by Gordon R. Dickson
* Come to Venus Melancholy by Thomas M. Disch
* Of One Mind by James A. Durham
* Inside Man by H. L. Gold
* Calling Dr. Clockwork by Ron Goulart
* Better Than Ever by Alex Kirs
* In Our Block by R. A. Lafferty
* Slow Tuesday Night by R. A. Lafferty
* Cyclops by Fritz Leiber
* The Good New Days by Fritz Leiber
* The Peacock King by Larry McCombs & Ted White
* Though a Sparrow Fall by Scott Nichols
* Becalmed in Hell by Larry Niven
* Wrong-Way Street by Larry Niven
* The Mischief Maker by Richard Olin
* A Better Mousehole by Edgar Pangborn
* A Leader for Yesteryear" by Mack Reynolds
* Keep Them Happy by Robert Rohrer
* Balanced Ecology by James H. Schmitz
* Over the River and Through the Woods by Clifford D. Simak
* The Eight Billion by Richard Wilson
* Devil Car by Roger Zelazny
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Nebula Best Novelette 1965-2006
2006 Two Hearts by Peter S. Beagle
* The Language of Moths by Christopher Barzak
* Walpurgis Afternoon by Delia Sherman
* Journey into the Kingdom by M. Rickert
* Little Faces by Vonda N. McIntyre
2005 The Faery Handbag by Kelly Link
* Flat Diane by Daniel Abraham
* Men Are Trouble by James Patrick Kelly
* Nirvana High by Eileen Gunn and Leslie What
* The People of Sand and Slag by Paolo Bacigalupi
2004 Basement Magic by Ellen Klages
* Zora and the Zombie by Andy Duncan
* The Voluntary State by Christopher Rowe
* Dry Bones by William Sanders
* The Gladiator's War: A Dialogue by Lois Tilton
2003 The Empire of Ice Cream by Jeffrey Ford
* The Mask of the Rex by Richard Bowes
* Of a Sweet Slow Dance in the Wake of Temporary Dogs by Adam-Troy Castro
* 0wnz0red by Cory Doctorow
* The Wages of Syntax by Ray Vukcevich
2002 Hell is the Absence of God by Ted Chiang
* The Pagodas of Ciboure by M. Shayne Bell
* The Ferryman's Wife by Richard Bowes
* Madonna of the Maquiladora by Gregory Frost
* The Days Between by Allen Steele
* Lobsters by Charles Stross
2001 Louise's Ghost by Kelly Link
* To Kiss the Star by Amy Sterling Casil
* The Pottawatomie Giant by Andy Duncan
* Undone by James Patrick Kelly
* Auspicious Eggs by James Morrow
* Dance of the Yellow-Breasted Luddites by William Shunn
2000 Daddy's World by Walter Jon Williams
* Stellar Harvest by Eleanor Arnason
* A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows by Gardner Dozois
* Jack Daw's Pack by Greer Ilene Gilman
* A Day's Work on the Moon by Mike Moscoe
* How the Highland People Came to Be by Bruce Holland Rogers
* Generation Gap by Stanley Schmidt
1999 Mars Is No Place for Children by Mary A. Turzillo
* The Island in the Lake by Phyllis Eisenstein
* How to Make Unicorn Pie by Esther M. Friesner
* Five Days in April by Brian A. Hopkins
* Good Intentions by Stanley Schmidt & Jack McDevitt
* Taklamakan by Bruce Sterling
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1998 Lost Girls by Jane Yolen
* The Truest Chill by Gregory Feeley
* Time Gypsy by Ellen Klages
* The Mercy Gate by Mark J. McGarry
* Echea by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
* Lethe by Walter Jon Williams
1997 The Flowers of Aulit Prison by Nancy Kress
* The Dog's Story by Eleanor Arnason
* Three Hearings on the Existence of Snakes in the Human Bloodstream by James Alan Gardner
* We Will Drink a Fish Together... by Bill Johnson
* The Miracle of Ivar Avenue by John Kessel
* The Copyright Notice Case by Paul Levinson
* The Undiscovered by William Sanders
1996 Lifeboat on a Burning Sea by Bruce Holland Rogers
* Erase/Record/Play by John M. Ford
* Mirror of Lop Nor by George Guthridge
* The Chronology Protection Case by Paul Levinson
* Must and Shall by Harry Turtledove
* The Perseids by Robert Charles Wilson
* After a Lean Winter by Dave Wolverton
1995 Solitude by Ursula K. Le Guin
* The Resurrection Man's Legacy by Dale Bailey
* Tea and Hamsters by Michael G. Coney
* Jesus at the Bat by Esther M. Friesner
* Home for Christmas by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
* Think Like a Dinosaur by James Patrick Kelly
* When the Old Gods Die by Mike Resnick
1994 The Martian Child by David Gerrold
* Necronauts (story) by Terry Bisson
* The Skeleton Key (story) by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
* The Singular Habits of Wasps by Geoffrey A. Landis
* The Matter of Seggri by Ursula K. Le Guin
* Nekropolis by Maureen F. McHugh
1993 Georgia on My Mind by Charles Sheffield
* England Underway by Terry Bisson
* The Nutcracker Coup by Janet Kagan
* The Franchise by John Kessel
* Things Not Seen by Martha Soukup
* Death on the Nile by Connie Willis
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1992 Danny Goes to Mars by Pamela Sargent
* Matter's End by Gregory Benford
* The July Ward by S. N. Dyer
* The Honeycrafters by Carolyn Ives Gilman
* Suppose They Gave a Peace... by Susan Shwartz
* Prayers on the Wind by Walter Jon Williams
1991 Guide Dog by Michael Conner
* Gate of Faces by Ray Aldridge
* Black Glass by Karen Joy Fowler
* The All-Consuming by Lucius Shepard & Robert Frazier
* Standing In Line with Mister Jimmy by James Patrick Kelly
* The Happy Man by Jonathan Lethem
* Getting Real by Susan Shwartz
1990 Tower of Babylon by Ted Chiang
* The Coon Rolled Down and Ruptured His Larinks, A Squeezed Novel by Mr. Skunk by Dafydd ab Hugh
* The Shobies' Story by Ursula K. Le Guin
* 1/72nd Scale by Ian R. MacLeod
* The Manamouki by Mike Resnick
* A Time for Every Purpose by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
* Loose Cannon by Susan Shwartz
* Over the Long Haul by Martha Soukup
1989 At the Rialto by Connie Willis
* Sisters by Greg Bear
* Silver Lady and the Fortyish Man by Megan Lindholm
* For I Have Touched the Sky by Mike Resnick
* Fast Cars by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
* Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another by Robert Silverberg
1988 Schrödinger's Kitten by George Alec Effinger
* Ginny Sweethips' Flying Circus by Neal Barrett, Jr.
* Peaches for Mad Molly by Steven Gould
* Unfinished Portrait of the King of Pain by Van Gogh by Ian McDonald
* The Hob by Judith Moffett
* Kirinyaga by Mike Resnick
* Do Ya, Do Ya, Wanna Dance? by Howard Waldrop
1987 Rachel in Love by Pat Murphy
* The Evening and the Morning and the Night by Octavia E. Butler
* Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight by Ursula K. Le Guin
* Dream Baby by Bruce McAllister
* Flowers of Edo by Bruce Sterling
* Schwarzschild Radius by Connie Willis
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1986 The Girl Who Fell into the Sky by Kate Wilhelm
* Hatrack River by Orson Scott Card
* Listening to Brahms by Suzy McKee Charnas
* The Winter Market by William Gibson
* Surviving by Judith Moffett
* Aymara by Lucius Shepard
* Permafrost by Roger Zelazny
1985 Portraits of His Children by George R. R. Martin
* A Gift from the GrayLanders by Michael Bishop
* The Fringe by Orson Scott Card
* Paladin of the Lost Hour by Harlan Ellison
* Dogfight by Michael Swanwick & William Gibson
* The Jaguar Hunter by Lucius Shepard
* Rockabye Baby by S. C. Sykes
1984 Bloodchild by Octavia E. Butler
* Bad Medicine by Jack Dann
* Saint Theresa of the Aliens by James Patrick Kelly
* The Lucky Strike by Kim Stanley Robinson
* The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule by Lucius Shepard
* Trojan Horse by Michael Swanwick
1983 Blood Music by Greg Bear
* Blind Shemmy by Jack Dann
* The Monkey Treatment by George R. R. Martin
* Black Air by Kim Stanley Robinson
* Cicada Queen by Bruce Sterling
* Slow Birds by Ian Watson
* The Sidon in the Mirror by Connie Willis
1982 Fire Watch by Connie Willis
* Myths of the Near Future by J. G. Ballard
* Understanding Human Behavior by Thomas M. Disch
* Burning Chrome by William Gibson
* The Mystery of the Young Gentleman by Joanna Russ
* Swarm by Bruce Sterling
1981 The Quickening by Michael Bishop
* Sea Changeling by Mildred Downey Broxon
* The Thermals of August by Edward Bryant
* The Fire When It Comes by Parke Godwin
* Mummer Kiss by Michael Swanwick
* Lirios: A Tale of the Quintana Roo by James Tiptree, Jr.
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1980 The Ugly Chickens by Howard Waldrop
* Strata by Edward Bryant
* The Way Station by Stephen King
* The Feast of Saint Janis by Michael Swanwick
* Ginungagap by Michael Swanwick
* Beatnik Bayou by John Varley
1979 Sandkings by George R. R. Martin
* The Ways of Love by Poul Anderson
* Camps by Jack Dann
* The Pathways of Desire by Ursula K. Le Guin
* The Angel of Death by Michael Shea
* Options by John Varley
1978 A Glow of Candles, a Unicorn's Eye by Charles L. Grant
* Mikal's Songbird by Orson Scott Card
* Devil You Don't Know by Dean Ing
1977 The Screwfly Solution by Racoona Sheldon, alias of Alice Sheldon
* Particle Theory by Edward Bryant
* A Rite of Spring by Fritz Leiber
* The Stone City by George R. R. Martin
* The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs by Carter Scholz
1976 The Bicentennial Man by Isaac Asimov
* His Hour Upon the Stage by Grant Carrington
* Custer's Last Jump by Steven Utley & Howard Waldrop
* In the Bowl by John Varley
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1975 San Diego Lightfoot Sue by Tom Reamy
* The Warlord of Saturn's Moons by Eleanor Arnason
* Blooded on Arachne by Michael Bishop
* The Custodians by Richard Cowper
* The Dybbuk Dolls by Jack Dann
* Polly Charms, the Sleeping Woman by Avram Davidson
* The Final Fighting of Fion Mac Cumhail by Randall Garrett
* The New Atlantis by Ursula K. Le Guin
* A Galaxy Called Rome by Barry N. Malzberg
* The Bleeding Man by Craig Strete
* Retrograde Summer by John Varley
1974 If the Stars Are Gods by Gordon Eklund & Gregory Benford
* The Rest Is Silence by Charles L. Grant
* Twilla by Tom Reamy
1973 Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand by Vonda N. McIntyre
* The Deathbird by Harlan Ellison
* Case and the Dreamer by Theodore Sturgeon
* The Girl Who Was Plugged In by James Tiptree, Jr.
1972 Goat Song by Poul Anderson
* The Animal Fair by Alfred Bester
* A Kingdom by the Sea by Gardner Dozois
* Basilisk by Harlan Ellison
* In the Deadlands by David Gerrold
* Patron of the Arts by William Rotsler
* The Funeral by Kate Wilhelm
1971 The Queen of Air and Darkness by Poul Anderson
* A Special Kind of Morning by Gardner Dozois
* Mount Charity by Edgar Pangborn
* Poor Man, Beggar Man by Joanna Russ
* The Encounter by Kate Wilhelm
1970 Slow Sculpture by Theodore Sturgeon
* The Asian Shore by Thomas M. Disch
* Dear Aunt Annie by Gordon Eklund
* The Shaker Revival by Gerald Jonas
* Continued on Next Rock by R. A. Lafferty
* The Second Inquisition by Joanna Russ
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1969 Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones by Samuel R. Delany
* Deeper than the Darkness by Gregory Benford
* Nine Lives by Ursula K. Le Guin
* The Big Flash by Norman Spinrad
1968 Mother to the World by Richard Wilson
* Total Environment by Brian W. Aldiss
* The Sharing of Flesh by Poul Anderson
* The Listeners by James Gunn
* The Guerrilla Trees by H. H. Hollis
* Once There Was a Giant by Keith Laumer
* Final War (novelette) by Barry N. Malzberg
1967 Gonna Roll the Bones by Fritz Leiber
* Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes by Harlan Ellison
* Flatlander by Larry Niven
* The Keys to December by Roger Zelazny
* This Mortal Mountain by Roger Zelazny
1966 Call Him Lord by Gordon R. Dickson
* Apology to Inky by Robert M. Green, Jr.
* An Ornament to His Profession by Charles L. Harness
* The Eskimo Invasion by Hayden Howard
* This Moment of the Storm by Roger Zelazny
1965 The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth by Roger Zelazny
* The Shipwrecked Hotel by James Blish & Norman L. Knight
* Vanishing Point by Jonathan Brand
* 102 H-Bombs by Thomas M. Disch
* Half a Loaf by R. C. Fitzpatrick
* The Decision Makers by Joseph Green
* At the Institute by Norman Kagan
* The Earth Merchants by Norman Kagan
* Laugh Along with Franz by Norman Kagan
* The Life of Your Time by Michael Karageorge
* Four Ghosts In Hamlet by Fritz Leiber
* Small One by E. Clayton McCarty
* The Adventure of the Extraterrestrial by Mack Reynolds
* Masque of the Red Shift by Fred Saberhagen
* Goblin Night by James H. Schmitz
* Planet of Forgetting by James H. Schmitz
* Maiden Voyage by J. W. Schutz
* Shall We Have a Little Talk? by Robert Sheckley
* The Masculinist Revolt by William Tenn
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